Tennille Melcher

Tennille Melcher

Photographer & CEO

I have spent over a decade building something more than just another photography studio, rather a safe place where you can be yourself without judgment. Don't be fooled by my serious and very sexy headshot. I'm goofy, kinky, sarcastic, and have absolutely no filter which can make a very memorable (or awkward) moments.  I live for those moments :) 

I figure if you are going to get half-naked and vulnerable with me, it's only fair you get to know more about me than just my beautiful clients...

So let's get personal...

I am a woman

My husband always jokes that I'm lightning in a bottle and he is just here to minimize the damage I may cause. :) I love living my best life with very few regrets. My favorite drink is any unique variation of an old-fashioned, (spicy espresso old-fashioned is my newest love) and my favorite word is fuck. I told you I have no filter :) My biggest fault is that I'm too honest and just like everyone else, I too have insecurities. After having 19 procedures/surgeries on my breasts, I am now blessed with a very crooked booby. I have learned to love my "special booby" because it's not going to change anytime soon and it doesn't define me. I have been known as the "DIY Queen", constantly creating new things. 

I am a woman
I am a wife

I am a wife

I have been married to my best friend since 2008. He was voted the sexiest man alive (in my house). I would wear his skin if I could. :) Seriously he is my best friend and my favorite person in this world. We both are weird and love making people laugh. Our initials are T&A which is perfect for two perverted weirdos. TMI fact: My husband and I started a sex challenge when we became empty-nesters which was only supposed to last 2 weeks. Almost 4 years later we have now broken every record in history for a married couple having sex EVERY SINGLE DAY. You can read more about that on my T-Spot blogs. The best bedtime stories you'll ever read :) 

I am a mother

When my only child went off to college I became an empty nester which was one of the most difficult transitions in my life. I didn't realize how much my identity was tied to being a mother until she moved out and went off to college.  Then, something really exciting happened. Instead of feeling lost and not knowing who I am, I found my new purpose in life.


For the first time ever, I was in complete control of my own identity and it was my time to reinvent myself. And honestly, it was extremely exciting. I can be my true authentic self with no apologies. However, the mother in me still needed something to nurture, so I became a Master Gardener and have dedicated so much love to an ever-failing yet fulfilling garden. I am a fur mommy to three dogs and I'm still trying to convince my husband to let me have a pig and alpacas. Stay tuned...

I am a mother
I am a friend

I am a friend

I'm extremely loyal to everyone and struggle with saying no. I believe in protecting others and helping them bring out the best version of themselves. Traditions are incredibly important to me and I try to do at least one act of kindness every day for a complete stranger. Even if it's giving a simple smile and hello. My clients have become some of my best friends and I am truly blessed to have them in my life. We are each other's hype girls and know that we can just be ourselves with absolutely no judgment. 


You have a friend in me :) - Woody

I am an artist

My journey started before I was born. My grandfather was the chief photographer in Fiji during WW2. I inherited his old slides and I have had a camera around my neck for longer than I can remember. Throughout middle school, I was the editor and chief of the school yearbook and in charge of taking candid photos of the hot jocks (poor me haha) as well as developing the film in the dark room. I am completely self-taught and I always forget the photography "rules" so yes, I do cut off limbs in photos :)  


Ever since I became a boudoir photographer, I have been able to help other moms and wives find their own true identity, their self-worth, and their undeniable spark, and that confidence becomes intoxicating in their relationship.

The next time you have self-doubt just remember that self-love and confidence are the greatest middle finger of all time.

I am an artist
Miscellaneous Information

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